4 Vital Ways to Pray for Your Church

That church that you drive to every Sunday — that group of 20, 200, or 2,000 believers that you meet with every week — was meant to change the world. That’s what the Bible says. We have been praying over our world and our nation in this series of posts. We have been asking God […]

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4 Ways to Pray for Our Nation

America. The land of the free and the home of the brave. But lately, that’s not what comes to mind when I think about my nation. Instead I just wonder, Where are we headed? With the craziness of the election, the backwards direction of our culture, and a host of seemingly unsolvable problems, where does […]

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8 Ways to Pray for Our World

Our world sometimes feels like a place on fire. War, disease, starvation, unrest. These things have become familiar. Inescapable. And with our modern technology, we know more than ever. We hear the stories of hurting and lost people living the on the other side of the planet. We see their suffering and the cruelty of […]

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How to Pray for Someone Who is Hurting

There is almost nothing harder than watching a friend or family member who is hurting, and knowing there is nothing we can do to change their circumstances. It’s frustrating, it’s painful… And, on this Earth, it happens with crushing frequency. But, as those saved by grace and adopted into the family of God, we know […]

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3 Wrong Ways to Think About Prayer

Not long ago, our church organized a day called “The 24 Hour Day of Prayer.” People in the church signed up for a half hour segment in which to pray. Missionaries volunteered for the hours we were sleeping. And every week people were signing up. Except me. I snuck past that table like a spy […]

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